Is the Gypsy Vanner the same as the Gypsy Cob, Irish Cob, Irish Tinker, or the Drum Horse?
The Gypsy Vanner Horse is the first name used by Americans for the horse. Generally, in the US, Gypsy Horse, Gypsy Cob and Gypsy Vanner all refer to the same horse. They are sometimes called Irish Cob or Irish Tinker in Europe. It should be noted that not all horses raised by gypsies are selectively bred or part of the breed. They also breed trotter horses and horses for the European meat market. Although those would be gypsy horses as they are owned by gypsies, they are not part of the breed we call the Gypsy Vanner. The Drum Horse is not a Gypsy Vanner or Gypsy Horse; it is generally a cross between a Gypsy Horse and a Shire or Clydesdale.